Complete The Survey Below To See If You Qualify For GlideTrak PD FIT BIG WALK Training Has your mobility been affected by Parkinson’s (gait, balance, posture, arm swing, freezing)? Explain Yes No None Would you like to use a treadmill but you are concerned about falling or joint pain? Yes No None Have you been told your walk is not normal (slow pace, small shuffling steps, freezing)? Yes No None Do you limit how fast you walk due to fear of falling? Yes No None Do you have to concentrate in order to walk “normally”? Yes No None Does your Parkinson’s exercise program include intense aerobic exercise? Yes No None Do you exercise 5 or more times per week? What exercise? Yes No None Are any of your exercises specifically designed to improve Parkinson’s symptoms? Which? Yes No None Can You Commit to Spend 20 Minutes A Day At Home Practicing To Improve Your Condition? Yes No None With your exercise program, have you seen noticeable improvements in your symptoms? Yes No None Thank you for taking the time to answer these questions. Click the "Go To Webinar" button and you will be re-directed to the webinar where we explain in depth how the GlideTrak PD FIT BIG WALK training may be able to improve your condition, too. Time's up By Paul Barton|May 1st, 2018|